冠狀病毒大流行影響了我們全世界的生活。2020年初只有數千人被感染,迄今為止,由於這種大流行,全球已感染了46,800,000人,死亡1,200,000多人。我們都受到禁令、封鎖、隔離、邊境關閉、業務關閉、裁員、經濟衰退等的影響。即使我住在安全的台灣,也受到嚴重的影響,因為我無法再隨時隨地飛往世界不同的國家,因為我不想在到達那裡時被隔離14天,而返回時又被隔離14天。(即在隔離上就浪費了一個月的時間) 這就是為什麼我和您一樣想要停止這種冠狀病毒大流行的原因。
我們都可以一起做-如果您都執行1、2、3步驟,您可以通過將 youtube 影片的訊息分享給全世界的所有人來提供幫助。我們可以做的事情很簡單,而我們大多數人都不知道它的重要性。前幾天我看到這篇文章「機器人,納米珠和數據建模–冠狀病毒測試計畫的科學依據。波士頓大學的科學家如何準備實現每天測試 6,000人 的”大膽目標”,”鼻孔測試侵入性較小,鼻孔試紙從鼻子收集黏液,以篩查冠狀病毒”鼻腔和喉嚨之間得位置是冠狀病毒在您開始不適之前首先抓住並駐留的地方,研究表明冠狀病毒主要是通過飛沫傳播的,傳播病毒的人口腔和鼻孔中的病毒載量會很高。」當我閱讀這些文章時,它證實了我十多年來幫助自己擺脫感冒、流感和現在不感染冠狀病毒所做的努力的有效性。像你一樣,我一直在等待疫苗。我們曾經聽說,一旦有人被感染,由於有人免疫,就不會再感染它,但這不是真的,因為很多人從COVID-19中康復並再次受到感染。因為這種冠狀病毒大流行正在全球範圍內迅速蔓延,而且增勢不減,所以我決定分享我的三個步驟,以便它可以幫助世界各地的人們減少感染冠狀病毒的機會。
1) 將肥皂塗上您的手指,並在鼻孔內沾上肥皂,然後通過聞水並使其流出,用水沖洗鼻孔。
2) 將液體肥皂滴入耳朵中,使用淋浴噴頭用水沖洗耳朵,一次一隻耳朵。
3) 用水漱口並漱口至喉嚨並吐出。
請記住每隔一段時間進行1、2、3步驟,或者如果您曾暴露於懷疑自己生病的人周圍,請進行 1、2、3步驟。當您用水沖洗鼻子時,如果您覺得口中有少量水或肥皂滴入,請不要驚慌,這僅意味著您的鼻子和通道也將通過該動作得到清潔。因此,只需用水漱漱口,並吐出即可。
請告知您的朋友、家人、同事有關此消息和1、2、3步驟,請分享給世界各地的公民,讓我們擺脫這種冠狀病毒的大流行。您可在youtube 上觀看此影片
「Stop Coronavirus Pandemic (we can)」
台灣 Hanzu Taiwan
The Coronavirus Pandemic has greatly impacted all of our lives, worldwide. At beginning of 2020 there were only a few thousand people infected. To date over 43 million people have been infected worldwide and over 1,100,000 people have died because of this rampant pandemic. To date we are all impacted by the Pandemic Induced Curfew, Lockdown, Isolation, Quarantine, Border Closings, Business closings, Job Layoffs, Economic Downturn, etc. Even I, living in safe Taiwan, is severely impacted because I can no longer fly freely to different countries of the world whenever I want to–because I do not want to be quarantined for 14 days when I get there and again quarantined for 14 days when I get back. (ie one month wasted in quarantine isolation). That’s the reason why I, like you, want to stop this Coronavirus Pandemic. We can all do it together– if you all do the 1,2,3 steps.
You can help by getting this youtube video‘s message to all the people of the world. Its something very simple that we can do and most most of us do not know the importance of it.
I happened upon this article the other day
“Robots, Nanobeads, and Data Modeling—The Science behind BU’s Coronavirus Testing Plan. How Boston University’s scientists have prepared to meet the “audacious goal” of testing 6,000 people per day
“BU’s nostril test … less invasive, …The nostril swab will collect mucus from the nose to be screened for the coronavirus. ….the place between the nasal passages and throat is where the coronavirus first grabs onto and resides before you start feeling sick, research shows that coronavirus is mainly being spread by droplets containing virus exhaled from the mouth and nose…people who are spreading the virus will have high viral load in their mouth and nostrils.”
When I read those passages– it confirmed the validity of what I had been practicing for over a decade to help myself get rid of colds, flus, and not catching the coronavirus now.
To fight Cornavirus.-You should keep wearing face mask, washing hands, and do all the other good things recommended by others etc., etc., Next, I recommend your taking a shower every morning (when you wake up) and on return from outside in the evening– immediately take a thorough shower to Wash your hair, face, and body with soap or liquid soap and water. Then
1) Get Liquid soap. Coat your pinky finger and spread the soap all around inside of each nostrill. Then rinse nostrills out with water by sniffing the water and letting it flow out.
2) Drip liquid soap into cavity of each ear. Use shower head to spray clean the inside of your ears with water. One ear at a time.
3) Fill mouth with water and gargle to the Throat and spit out.
Remember to do this 1,2,3 steps every few days, or if you had been exposed to someone whom you suspect is sick. By the way, if you feel a little water or a bit of soap drip into your mouth when you rinse your nose with the water– do not be alarmed. It only means that your nose and that passage are also getting cleaned by the action. So just fill your mouth with water, gargle, and spit out. You are probably thinking, why would this work.
Because the incubation period for the Coronavirus is 2 to 14 days. If you are cleaning your nose, nasal passage, ears, throat, and mouth regularly– you are preventing the coronavirus from grabbing a hold on you from those orifices. Germs, viruses and bacteria reside inside the mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. We all use soap and water to clean and disinfect ourselves and our bodies. Not only is it safe, and most everyone has access to it, worldwide. Germs, viruses, and bacteria have been advancing and mutating rapidly. As a result, we need to have a new mindset for protecting and cleaning ourselves.
We are not selling you any soap or water. Just use what you already have. And if you feel like donating–just donate to a good cause. Remember to mark like for the video and subscribe.
What I am showing is that we should also clean and wash the other potentially infected areas that we have easy access to, and we have not been cleaning before. I have been doing this process for over a decade to help me get through bad colds, flus, and now Covid 19. Doing the 1,2,3steps have not hurt or harmed me, but have helped.
So if you are already very sick with Covid 19,by all means stay at the hospital until you are cured. And when a good and effective vaccine arrives, by all means get vaccinated.
Please tell your friends, family, associates, fellow workers about this message and 1,2,3method
Please spread this message and 1,2,3method to the citizens of the world.
Let’s get rid of this coronavirus pandemic.
Let’s quickly bring our lives back to normal
Let’s stay Healthy.
You can watch this video on Youtube
Stop Coronavirus pandemic(We Can)
Please help to let people worldwide know about this simple method of extea protection.Please translate this message and video into your local languages for undwrstanding in your language…
Thank you.
Hanzu Taiwan